Thursday, July 31, 2008
What a scare!
From our bedroom, I can hear her calling HB coz HB promised her that we'll goto disneychannel's website to play some interactive game. So I told HB I'll bring the computer to her room 1st and keep her company while he bathe. But when I went to her door, I was shocked to find that she has accidentally lock it from inside!!! I try to ask her to turn the knob again but she kept playing with the door handle!
In order not to scare her, I just tell her to play on her own first. I went 2nd floor, trying to find the keys but have totally no recollection where they were kept. So I asked MIL & FIL if they remember where the keys were. I tried to stay calm but it sure freaked out my MIL!
I remembered the keys were inside a leather folder of some sort. I tried the 2nd floor study room, the cabinets outside etc etc but couldn't find it. MIL is outside Valerie's room trying to tell her why she lock herself inside (obviously she didn't do it on purpose!)
Finally FIL found them, in key chains, inside a box which was kept in the altar drawer. We quickly went upstairs to open the door. In order not to scare her, I gave her a smiling face when I open the door but deep inside I was FREAKING OUT!
Thank god everything is settled within 15mins or so. I was so worried that my MIL will scare her and she starts getting panicky inside coz that'll make matter worse!
Chinese name for Nigel
FIL asked why I don't want to start his name with "杨家X" (he & Hui suggested 杨家乐) since Valerie's name starts with it. I thought since one is a boy and the other is a girl, it's ok to use something totally different? I borrowed some books to read up which ended up making me more confused as some based their 'theory' on simplied chinese while the other based it on traditional chinese characters.
Nigel @ 34 weeks & 6 days
Again I asked her about natural birth. She maintained that I can go for it as long as all the standard conditions are present, ie 1) labour kicks in naturally; 2) baby dun pass motion inside etc etc. So it seemed I'll be trying for natural this time!
It's really the final final stretch now. I reckon within 1 month? But yet I have 1001 things not done! Clothes not washed (MIL hasn't even sorted them yet I believe), cot not fixed back, mattress not sun, pillows not washed and/or sun. My hospital bag not packed! Nothing.. basically nothing much has been done.
I think I better start nagging them to do so soon.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My funny girl
Next is how you draw. She wanted me to draw a tree. Easy right? But noooooo! First I drew at the wrong place.. that made her jump.. then even though I got the place right, she was still angry and frustrated. Ended up she got so frustrated I couldn't understand what she wanted that she starting throwing tantrums.
Finally HB is home and came up (he said he can hear her cries from outside the house), he asked her "what happen darling?" and instantly Valerie pointed her accusing finger at me! It was hilarious but at the same time I was thinking "what wrong have I done"? She asked me to draw a tree right? Which is what I did!?!!
So after all the coaxing, she calmed down. HB offered to draw the tree for her and Valerie immediately looked at me and said "No mommy!". So HB successfully drew the tree she wanted and she was happy. Guess what caused her to be so frustrated???
Because.. I drew the tree trunk first instead of the tree canopy.. RIDICULOUS don't u think??? I'm still drawing a tree right??? But that's just now one-track mind this girl is!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Momma did it again!
I emailed to Bryan few days back to see if he has any still available.. but he said it's completely sold out in USA. I was disappointed naturally. Then I heard Carolyn was in HK.. (DH was in HK few days back but I wouldn't dare tell him of my "indecent desire")
She asked if I needed anything from HK and it just hit me.. I pondered for 1 nite and the next morning I texted her, asking her to look out for this wallet for me. When she called me at 7pm yesterday, I was delighted to know that HK airport has 1 last pc! The SA actually told her they probably have sold out this colour but went to check nonetheless. And boy I glad she did!
So now, this beautiful wallet is now MINE!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Happy Birthday to Huixin!

How time flies! It's Huixin's 5th birthday! Maggie & Ian originally booked a room at Bee Heong restaurant (Telok Ayer) but then realised that the room was located on the 2nd floor! Ian's mother has difficulty in walking thus they have to changed to have the dinner at the nearby branch along Boon Tat St. Thank god their branch was nearby!
Huixin was dressed like a little princess that day, with her tiara! All the kids were like on a high and was making so much noise in the restaurant! When it's time to sing the birthday song & cut the birthday cake, Valerie was like the 1st to sit on the chair, waiting patiently for the cake to be cut!
Maggie was very nice to give Valerie the 1st slice.. and a BIG one in fact. The cake was from awfullychocolate. I didn't really appreciate the cake coz I'm not a fan of moist cake. DH said it takes great! Obviously that tells u who is a fan of moist cake :p
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Aches & pains
I foresee the next few weeks will be quite a 'chore' for me to move around even though I ain't big like a ship. Thus, we went ahead and bought some necessities for Nigel yesterday. We bought him some BPA free bottles (Evenflo is so cheap at $5.90 & $6.90 for the small & big bottle), pacifier, wipes etc. Bought 1 box of breastpad for myself just to last me through the initial days.
Thankfully I've only added on 8kgs so far. If I've gained more, I seriously do not know if I could still goto work. As of now, I'm already wondering if I could last till the day before I pop in office.
UTI update
Friday, July 11, 2008
Urinary Tact Infection (UTI)
Today at 4ish, HB text me that Valerie is having fever so today's plans (we intend to meet up with Lionel for dinner and discuss about our insurance) have to be cancelled. I immediately called home to find out what's happening.
Mother told me that Valerie was not her chirpy self this morning and didn't want to goto school nor change to her uniform. After checking her temperature, she realised that Valerie's having slight fever (37.5) and thus didn't send her to school.
HB & I rushed home after work and Valerie was still chirpy but soon complained of "tummy pain" again. Mother says her stomach probably has "wind" but I was not convinced as such ailments don't cause any fever. I am suspecting UTI as Valerie has a bad habit of keeping her urine.
During the ride to the clinic, she wasn't feeling all that well.. complaining about her pain. Then she told me she wanted to pee so I put on a diaper for her. Almost immediately after she pee, she was chirpy and talkative. It makes me believe that she is prob suffering from UTI.
In the clinic, we made her drink more water and made her pee so that we can take her urine sample just to confirm that she indeed had UTI. Again, she refuse to pee when we asked her, but once we are in the toilet, she pee. Test confirmed that it's UTI.
Dr gave her an antibiotics but that was no use, she vomitted it out (twice). The solution is very thick & sticky and obviously it doesn't taste well too. Tomorrow we have to check whether there is another type of antibiotics we can offer her.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Baby Nigel vs Baby Valerie
Since I couldn't sleep, I went to dig out Valerie's scan. Back when Valerie was roughly 31-32 weeks, she was already 2.2kgs! Now Nigel is only 1.7kgs! Gosh, they started off at quite similar footing but now Nigel is obviously lacking behind. I'm worried that my placenta aint't working as efficiently as I had hoped for.
I think from today onwards I have to eat more healthy food, hopefully Nigel can catch up from now on..
My humble BV Family
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
My Bottega(s)!
Cost is not the main issue, the problem is since I did an email order, all I have as 'proof' is the email as well as my credit card bill. Thus I'm not exactly sure if assigning Singpost to clear the customs would be of any help.
Ooo.. I can't wait to lay my hands on the bag!!!
Visit to Dr Heng
The urine test showed some protein so I have to stay back to do a more detailed urine test. But thankfully that detailed one turned out ok so nothing to worry about (for now). But my haemoglobin (blood) level went down further so it means I have to be more religious in eating my iron pills (increased to twice daily now!). I just hope I dun get constipated!
So far my weight gain is 8kgs so hopefully I can keep it within 12kgs per what Dr Heng asked me to 'try'. My new visit will be 3 weeks later, on 31/07.
Another 5-8 weeks more to go! Gosh..
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Choc Cake Deco Class

Today is Valerie's 4th cooking class with Genius R Us... it was supposedly her last lesson but Violet will be giving us an extra lesson to compensate us for the empty trip we made last time :p
She was excited as usual, chatty and stuff. We did our cake together with a 10 year old Indonesian girl and it was quite fun. Our cake turned out quite well (it actually tasted quite good!) and Valerie & myself each has a cake to decorate :)
As u can see, spreadin cream & pipping is definitely no easy task!