Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My funny girl

As many knows, Valerie ain't the most eloquent toddler you can find for her age. Yest nite while in her room, she wanted me to draw things for her. She'll tell you what and where to draw it but she's not very clear with her 'instructions'. "This way" actually means where she wants you to draw and not the orientation of the drawings.

Next is how you draw. She wanted me to draw a tree. Easy right? But noooooo! First I drew at the wrong place.. that made her jump.. then even though I got the place right, she was still angry and frustrated. Ended up she got so frustrated I couldn't understand what she wanted that she starting throwing tantrums.

Finally HB is home and came up (he said he can hear her cries from outside the house), he asked her "what happen darling?" and instantly Valerie pointed her accusing finger at me! It was hilarious but at the same time I was thinking "what wrong have I done"? She asked me to draw a tree right? Which is what I did!?!!

So after all the coaxing, she calmed down. HB offered to draw the tree for her and Valerie immediately looked at me and said "No mommy!". So HB successfully drew the tree she wanted and she was happy. Guess what caused her to be so frustrated???

Because.. I drew the tree trunk first instead of the tree canopy.. RIDICULOUS don't u think??? I'm still drawing a tree right??? But that's just now one-track mind this girl is!

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