Thursday, July 31, 2008

Nigel @ 34 weeks & 6 days

He is 2,274 gms today! Not getting my admission letter as yet coz just did the HVS test today. Dr Heng says she needs the result of this culture test before she can prepare the admission letter.

Again I asked her about natural birth. She maintained that I can go for it as long as all the standard conditions are present, ie 1) labour kicks in naturally; 2) baby dun pass motion inside etc etc. So it seemed I'll be trying for natural this time!

It's really the final final stretch now. I reckon within 1 month? But yet I have 1001 things not done! Clothes not washed (MIL hasn't even sorted them yet I believe), cot not fixed back, mattress not sun, pillows not washed and/or sun. My hospital bag not packed! Nothing.. basically nothing much has been done.

I think I better start nagging them to do so soon.

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