Friday, July 11, 2008

Urinary Tact Infection (UTI)

She started complaining of "tummy pain" yesterday. But when I asked her where exactly was the pain, she pointed to her lower ab which I thought it was unusual. But since she was chirpy and stuff, I didn't think much about it.

Today at 4ish, HB text me that Valerie is having fever so today's plans (we intend to meet up with Lionel for dinner and discuss about our insurance) have to be cancelled. I immediately called home to find out what's happening.

Mother told me that Valerie was not her chirpy self this morning and didn't want to goto school nor change to her uniform. After checking her temperature, she realised that Valerie's having slight fever (37.5) and thus didn't send her to school.

HB & I rushed home after work and Valerie was still chirpy but soon complained of "tummy pain" again. Mother says her stomach probably has "wind" but I was not convinced as such ailments don't cause any fever. I am suspecting UTI as Valerie has a bad habit of keeping her urine.

During the ride to the clinic, she wasn't feeling all that well.. complaining about her pain. Then she told me she wanted to pee so I put on a diaper for her. Almost immediately after she pee, she was chirpy and talkative. It makes me believe that she is prob suffering from UTI.

In the clinic, we made her drink more water and made her pee so that we can take her urine sample just to confirm that she indeed had UTI. Again, she refuse to pee when we asked her, but once we are in the toilet, she pee. Test confirmed that it's UTI.

Dr gave her an antibiotics but that was no use, she vomitted it out (twice). The solution is very thick & sticky and obviously it doesn't taste well too. Tomorrow we have to check whether there is another type of antibiotics we can offer her.


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