Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Valerie goes to toilet!!

Oh.. this forgetful mommy almost forgot to blog this major milestone! It started on 29th Dec.. I was on 3rd flr (Valerie was supposed to be downstairs) getting changed so that we could goto the pool. Next thing I know, I saw a shadow outside the bathroom.. It was Valerie! She climbed up 3 floors all by herself!!! Well.. not that she is not able to.. but it's still dangerous without adult supervision right?

Ok.. so I saw her and she was grabbing her shorts (since I know we are going to head to the pool, I didn't wear diaper for her). I asked her if she wants to pee and she nod her head. I brot her to the toilet and asked her to use the toilet bowl, half expecting her to protest.. which she didn't. So I took out her shorts and sat her on the toilet bowl.

I went.. shhhhhhh shhhhhhh and next thing I know.. she was peeing!!! She looked at me with a very pleased face and I was soooooooo proud!! I encouraged her and gave her a hi-5 for peeing into the toilet bowl!

Since that day, we've tried a few times at home and it was successful :-)

Today, she went to school with no diapers on! :-)

Let's hope there'll be no 'accidents' in school :p

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