Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Soup lady

We know Valerie likes soup. But we found out yesterday that she sure knows how to appreciate soup. Everytime she goes to my mom's place, she'll definitely go "I want soup". The soup bowl will be in front of her, the rice bowl at the side.

Yesterday my mom was unable to buy any ingredients coz she went to the market late. So there were no soup. At dinner time, 1st thing Valerie asked for is "I want soup". We really didn't know what to do. Then DH suggested making egg soup. And he did, using those abalone & chicken stock cubes to make Valerie some egg soup.

It tasted quite reasonable actually and we were quite pleased. But for the conisseour (pardon my spelling).. that is no good! She refuse to drink it!

Can you imagine.. a barely 3 YO child can differentiate between real soup and MSG one. :p

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