Wednesday, November 28, 2007

'Cat' fights in school?

Managed to go home earlier today. When I was home, I saw that Valerie has quite a few small marks scattered over both forearm. I tried asking her what are those marks, as usual, she either doesn't comprehend, unable to recall or refuse to acknowledge. Taojin said those are mozzie bites, but these marks are distinctively different from her usual mozzie bites.

I didn't think much about those marks until my MIL told me that she suspect they were scratch marks during dinner. She requested that I check with the teachers tomorrow to find out the cause of those marks.

Since Valerie started school in July, there has been no incidents of fighting nor biting (at least not that I know of). To be frank, I'm feel heartache to know that my Valerie has suffered physical attacks from other children. But I know this is inevitable as children are children.

In any case, I'll check with the in-charge tomorrow to see if they know what happened.


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