Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Night Safari

DH is currently on block leave so we wanted to bring Valerie some place 'special'. Since his company can apply for free Night Safari ticket, we decided to bring Val there. As he has 4 free tickets, we invited Maggie & her family to come along with us.

Valerie had never really been a fan of the day zoo so we hoped that she'll be able to enjoy Night Safari. When we reached there, she doesn't seemed at all excited. Well, the night safari is quite dark at night and she doesn't like dark places.

After we purchased tickets, we started off by heading towards the show area for the 830pm "Creatures of the Night". While waiting, she kept saying she want to go home. When the show finally started, she began to sob so I carried her.

Thank goodness as the animals come out one by one, she starts to soak up to the atmosphere and began to enjoy the show. Animals that she can recognise (e.g owl etc) she began excited. She would even automatically clap her hands after each performance!

Knowing that she ain't very good at walking long distance, we opt for the tram. We feel that 1) we need not carry her which is very tiring and 2) it gives her some comfort zone, close enough to see the animals but not so close to make her afraid.

After the tram ride, we brought her to have Ben & Jerry's. That sure makes her day! By the time we reached home.. she was so tired she didn't even what to drink her milk... :p

Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy as can be

What else can I ask for. I feel so blessed to have them... and of course my wonderful HB would took this picture of us. :-)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Learning from Valerie

Valerie has been attending Kindergolf for a couple of months now and today it's "meet the parents" day. The teacher went through her progress with us and told us that Valerie is very positive. Whenever she miss a chip or a putt, she'll say "It's ok, let's try again!". The teacher went on and said that some kids will cry or throw the club when they miss.

Her positive attitude is really a virtue that everyone should learn from. I'm definitely learning from her!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Valerie's new hair cut!

It's not the first time Val has her hair cut by professional but the last visit to the hairdressers (Juniors League at PP) was ages back. When we walked past EC House at Novena Sq today, I asked if she wanted a hair cut and she readily said "YES!".

Since we haven't had dinner, we quickly settle our rumbling tummy. After the meal, we asked her again and she still gave us a positive answer. So here goes! I was quite worried that she'll cry to come down after a while but thankfully she didn't.

Knowing kids, they can't really stay still for long. Thru'out the cut (which takes twice as long as normal cut :p), she was fidgeting, sweeping away her hair, kept lookin at the floor and commented "so much hair!". Lucky for us, this hairdresser seeemed very patient and managed to do a pretty good job!


Today is my SIL's coy's family day. Originally I wanted to go but since my ILs also want to go, I find that the car will be too crowded. I'm quite anal about baby being in the car seat whenever we travel so I opt not to go and stay home with Nigel.

Although I miss Valerie and quality time with her, at least I still have Nigel who'll smile so readily at me.

Nov desktop background

DH says he like this... just to share..

Nov desktop template compliments from

First LO for Nigel

This is what I've done for him.. but I kept thinking it's kinda plain. :(

Finally.. a new blog header

Since Nigel was born, I've wanted to change the blog header. Finally found the time to do it! The colour tone is more neutral as we have a balance of sexes now :p

Papers & stitches - Feerie Freebie by Amelie Scrap
Frame - Kitbash by Tara Dunstan
Flower Rub On - Smitten by Angela Niehaus
Pink flower & paper clip - Smitten by Ziggle Designs & Kami Leonard
Font - Howser

Saturday, November 8, 2008

First 6-in-1 jab for Nigel

Today we brought Nigel for his 1st dosage of the 6-in-1. While, he did cry when the needle went in but it was a short one. H/E, the rest of the day he kept crying in this sleep.. maybe he is still
'traumatised' by the jab. HAHAHA

BTW, he is 6kgs heavy now. Gained 2.5kgs since birth. His weight gain is definitely faster than Valerie!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Year End Concert - She's lil' angel!

Today is the long awaited concert. The concert theme was "Enchanted Garden" and I thot that they'll be dressed up as flowers or small animals. What I least expected was that they will be dressed up as angels!

As compared to prior year, Valerie definitely has shown alot more confidence on stage. She is performing very well, remembering all the steps without much prompting. It's written all over her face that she is enjoying every single moment on the stage. :-)

It was a joy to see her perform. Not just because she enjoys it, but seeing my little girl growing up happily.. I truly feel very blessed to be her mom.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Finger sucking good!

Ha! Caught red-handed!

Happy 2nd month Nigel!

Sweet girl of mine!

Isn't she adorable? When I came home yesterday after my facial (braved through heavy heavy downpour!) she ran to me and said "see see see". She got 2 teddy bear clips on her head. It was my maid to put it on for her. Instantly I took the picture and send to DH.
I'm so blessed.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Enjoy! We don't know where she learn all these from. But it sure is funny!

Sorry for the tilt. This is taken using my mobile and I don't know how to reorientate the video clip.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy birthday Seth!

Thank you Elaine for inviting us! Didn't manage to take some pictures with the birthday boy tho' :p

In case you are wondering, the birthday cakes are all baked by Elaine and they taste fantastic! Best of all she made banana and carrot cakes! So they are yummy and healthy at the same time!

Yum Yum